10 years ago | posted by Angelica Pratolini

Category: Headlines, Resources

Tag: Campaign, Tips

What you didn’t know about… SPAIN!

When talking about Spain, the first things that come to mind are bulls, paella, flamenco and lastly and unfortunately... the economic crisis. But Spain is more than just that! Here's a helpful overview of Spain and the Spaniards, their customs and their buying habits to make it much easier for you to reach them.

Spain is the country that will experience the largest growth in e-Commerce!

In 2014 only 34% of Spaniards purchased online with an average of 1.330 € being spent. However, according to a Forrester report, Spain is the country that will experience the largest growth of electronic commerce from now until 2017, with a growth rate of 18% per annum, an advantage that no Teezily seller should miss out on.

This upward trend is mainly due to the "Comfort" (78%), "Price" (73.2%) and "Time Saved" (65.5%) with buying online, while 55.6% choose buying online because of the "Ease of purchase".

The profiles of buyers are men and women (50/50) between 25-44 years (60%) who tend to buy after work (for those saying Spaniards are not productive at the office!), evening ( 33%) and on the weekends (20%).

Regarding the most interesting data for Zilers, Spain has about 25 million active users on Facebook, mostly connected via smartphone, spending an average of 4.5 hours a week on them.

In Spain there are 25 million active users on Facebook, just so you know!

Spanish interests and taste

And now... here are the most important clues to get to the Spanish consumer market. For everyone, is well known that if one thing will make a Spaniard miss the famous siesta (nap) it is having a plan to drink some cañas (beers)! - not always though, just in summer ;) - Do not hesitate to launch a campaign about beer, wine and tapas, with a cool and funky design to make everyone crazy about it and buy.

Of course, they don't just sleep and drink. They also love to celebrate their favourite teams' goles (goals), especially those from Real Madrid, Barça, Athletico de Madrid, Athletic de Bilbao... and of course to defend la Selección Española, the Spanish country team, known by the nickname "la Roja" ("the Reds") because of the color of their shirts. Here's another great niche, and an extremely passionate one!

Actually sports are very popular in Spain, and they are proud of having great worldwide number 1 sportsmen and women like Rafa Nadal (tennis), Fernando Alonso (Formula 1), Mireia Belmonte (swimming), Pau Gasol (basket), etc. Targeting other sports such as rugby, padel or cycling niches will surely work too.

Partying is a safe bet when it comes to interests in Spain, you can read more about this in our post "Don't stop the party in your campaigns!".

Spanish people are very sociable and fun people, they love to share everything that catches their eye - this is especially positive in terms of virality and free traffic.


We hope you are already determined to start selling in the country where there is no room for boredom. Need more info? Contact [email protected] or renzo@teezily.com!

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