10 years ago | posted by Angelica Pratolini

Category: Headlines, Resources

Tag: Campaign, Tips

What you didn’t know about… Denmark!

Danish people are known for their constant state of happiness and a strong sense of irony. Different studies have ranked them as the happiest in the EU and in the world many times! If you have any acquaintances from Denmark you may have noticed they are also the greatest pickled herring fans! Another couple of interesting facts from the country where Vikings originated from that may inspire your designs: they are experienced cyclists, 1 in 2 people cycle to work everyday, and both LEGO toys and Carlsberg, the beer, were invented here.

they are a pretty rich country - having the highest employment rate in Europe (75%) and a gross monthly income

Online shopping is very popular in this Nordic country making Denmark an easy place for selling, 78% of population buy online, going up to 87% for the younger generations. A 10 billion euro turnover was achieved in 2014. In addition, they are a pretty rich country - having the highest employment rate in Europe (75%) and a gross monthly income of, on average, 3.281€ - and are well connected to Facebook – 3.5M of the 5.6M population of Denmark use it!


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