9 years ago | posted by Angelica Pratolini

Category: Headlines

Tag: Campaign, Story

Teezily meets Ciné-Pédia: “I support short-length movies”

Did you hear about the successful TZ campaign "Je soutiens le cinéma court-métrage"? Take a look at our interview with the founder of Ciné-Pédia and creator of the campaign, Jean D'Alessandro, and discover this amazing platform!

What about Ciné-Pédia ?

Hello, I’m Jean and I am the administrator of a web agency (www.web-solution-way.com) and truly passionate about cinema. Five years ago I met a couple of movie makers and we exchanged some thoughts on the challenges that young realisators are facing when creating and promoting their work. They struggle to raise funds and to find financial sponsorship to proceed with their adventure.

This is actually how I found inspiration to create Ciné-Pédia. Here is the very foundation of the concept:

On our platform, the main actor is the contributor (often a cinephile): he commits to writing reviews about movies and actors on the page, and gets in turn to opportunity to promote his work and be seen on our website.

Promotion of movie-lovers

Each contributor can add content about movies or (famous) actors. Every contribution generates ‘membership points’.  It’s a win-win situation: the member completes our online-encyclopedy and we reward him with points, allowing him to create an advertising on our platform to promote his work or a young movie maker / movie.

Through this basic system, we gain more visibility and young artists and emerging movie makers can sponsor their projects.


The internal contest

During the international contest, every short-length film-maker can submit one or several movies, as long as the video is uploaded on Youtube and is free to watch.

Every participant is a winner as the movies can be watched offline and we are promoting the contest on our social media pages.

At the end of each contest, the three best movies are presented on the front page of the website, a current post is generated and shared on our social media.


Support to short-length movies

The contributors win points based on their activity on Cine Pedia.

An example is to offer points to film directors who have won a contest (the 3 shortlisted are the winners).

For example: Rémi Clobert won more or less 200 points for his movie “Crescendo”.

Rémi also collected 3 100 points on his personal profile.

He can then convert these points into a free budget for advertising on Cine Pedia in order to promote his next project or an event (a preview, a festival, etc.)


Why Teezily ?

I have been introduced to the Teezily project by one of my employees who founded the label Yuna Deep Record  (inspired by her daughter’s name).

As a professional website creator, I have been seduced by the high quality work that is done by the Teezily team and I wanted to test my idea, but couldn’t realize it due to financial reasons: to create T-shirts with the headline: “I support short-length movies”. 

The fact that Teezily allows people who want to create their own range of T-shirts without any cost/risk is without doubt THE solution for every small association, festival manager, young film-maker or even sport club that can’t afford to invest in stock or logistics solutions.

Our first TZ campaign, despite limited efforts in advertising, has proved itself to be very successful and a second campaign has been launched with the same success.

Buy your t-shirt (available in different colors/models) and support Ciné-Pedia by clicking here: www.teezily.com/cine-pedia-tee-shirt


cine-pedia-tee-shirt (1)


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