10 years ago | posted by Angelica Pratolini

Category: Events, Headlines


Saint Patricks Day with Teezily

Dear Teezilers,

St Patrick’s Day is celebrated by the Irish on 17th March to honour Saint Patrick, an Irish missionary who is widely believed to have converted the Pagan Irish to Christianity. Why then, may you ask, are we writing an article about Saint Patrick?

The reason is because the Irish national holiday is now celebrated much further afield than the Irish borders. The celebrations are observed by expatriates, descendants of Irish emigrants, and not forgetting the non-Irish who join in the festivities and call themselves ‘Irish for a day’. Wherever the celebrations take place, there are several common symbols which are shared. We are therefore taking this occasion to remind you of these, and who knows, maybe even to give you some ideas for your future campaigns.

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The Shamrock

The legend of the Shamrock holds that Saint Patrick used the three leaves to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity: The father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Since this time, the Shamrock is Ireland’s national symbol, and finding a four leaf clover is said to bring good luck.

The Colour Green

The colour green is associated with Saint Patrick, because it is the colour of spring, reflecting the time of year the Feast is celebrated. As such, according to the tradition, you should be dressed in green to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day! The enthusiasm for the colour green is such, that in Chicago for example, the Chicago river flows green for Saint Patrick’s day.

The Leprechaun

Leprechauns are little elves who are often depicted as a little old man wearing a top hat. The person who manages to catch a Leprechaun can force him to reveal where his famous treasure is hidden. Leprechauns are cunning, crafty and mischievous, and the story goes that their pot of gold is at the end of the rainbow, which has also led people to believe that Leprechauns are a source of good fortune.

Our advice: Be specific!

Whether you choose a product whose base colour is green, or if you use one of the other symbols when creating your designs, don’t forget that your creation doesn't necessarily stop at Saint Patrick’s day, and the more precise you are, the more exciting and appealing your t-shirts or hoodies will be. Think about mixing phrases linked to Saint Patrick and the Irish colours with professions, hobbies or any other niches.

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Here are three Teezily t-shirts that you might find match your designs perfectly!

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