“Personalize your Campaign” : the tool that will rock your business
Hello Zilers,
Today we want to talk to you about a game-changing tool that will make your campaigns even more exclusive; most of you have already explored the outstanding sales opportunities offered by this revolutionary tool. What are we talking about ?
100% Teezily's exclusive Personalize your Campaign tool. Yes, you understood right: no other platform offers this feature.
This means your (potential) buyers will have the opportunity to add a personalized slogan / name to your campaign and be forever grateful to you for their exclusive purchase.
We introduced the tool at the beginning of November for your Christmas Campaign and, indeed, many of you made use of this fabulous opportunity and gave your customers the chance to customize this season’s trend: the Ugly Christmas Sweater. However, that doesn’t mean this tool will only be useful for your winter campaign, think about Mother’s Day, Veteran’s Day in the US, the “anniversary campaign” (2015: the year we go married), all the items related to age & zodiac signs ...

The first thing you should keep in mind while creating your original designs is that you will need to leave a space in the product mockup for the personalized box. The personalization process itself is really easy: on the first creation step on the Teezilab, all you have to do is add the customizable text, adjust the size, and place it where you want it to go (on the back? Under your design?). Then you should try several different fonts and colors to make sure you pick the best one for your personalized text: do not underestimate the importance of chromatic and visual harmony! Buyers will never purchase an ugly design, even if the message is the right one.

Sellers of everything — from dresses, to shirts, to handbags, to home living items — are discovering the value of letting buyers create their own unique products. In fact, according to eConsultancy, more than 90% of marketers say customization is crucial to boost sales, build your own brand, and for your future success .
The growing relevance and impact of personalization stems from the fact that it erases any ambiguity and enhances a one-to-one link. TechTarget describes customization as “(...) meeting the customer's needs more effectively and efficiently, making interactions faster and easier and, consequently, increasing customer satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat visits.” Brands have fully recognized the importance of offering an unparalleled customer experience, and in the globalization era customers want to be “different”. Do not forget the concept that lies at the very foundation of this business, which is that you are creating and selling original items that will enhance the identity of an individual and/or a community !
Today we want to talk to you about a game-changing tool that will make your campaigns even more exclusive; most of you have already explored the outstanding sales opportunities offered by this revolutionary tool. What are we talking about ?
100% Teezily's exclusive Personalize your Campaign tool. Yes, you understood right: no other platform offers this feature.
This means your (potential) buyers will have the opportunity to add a personalized slogan / name to your campaign and be forever grateful to you for their exclusive purchase.
We introduced the tool at the beginning of November for your Christmas Campaign and, indeed, many of you made use of this fabulous opportunity and gave your customers the chance to customize this season’s trend: the Ugly Christmas Sweater. However, that doesn’t mean this tool will only be useful for your winter campaign, think about Mother’s Day, Veteran’s Day in the US, the “anniversary campaign” (2015: the year we go married), all the items related to age & zodiac signs ...

The first thing you should keep in mind while creating your original designs is that you will need to leave a space in the product mockup for the personalized box. The personalization process itself is really easy: on the first creation step on the Teezilab, all you have to do is add the customizable text, adjust the size, and place it where you want it to go (on the back? Under your design?). Then you should try several different fonts and colors to make sure you pick the best one for your personalized text: do not underestimate the importance of chromatic and visual harmony! Buyers will never purchase an ugly design, even if the message is the right one.

Sellers of everything — from dresses, to shirts, to handbags, to home living items — are discovering the value of letting buyers create their own unique products. In fact, according to eConsultancy, more than 90% of marketers say customization is crucial to boost sales, build your own brand, and for your future success .
The growing relevance and impact of personalization stems from the fact that it erases any ambiguity and enhances a one-to-one link. TechTarget describes customization as “(...) meeting the customer's needs more effectively and efficiently, making interactions faster and easier and, consequently, increasing customer satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat visits.” Brands have fully recognized the importance of offering an unparalleled customer experience, and in the globalization era customers want to be “different”. Do not forget the concept that lies at the very foundation of this business, which is that you are creating and selling original items that will enhance the identity of an individual and/or a community !