Our Christmas Surprise for You: Customizable Shoes!
Today we went above and beyond our limits: we are thrilled to announce the launch of a 100% Teezily exclusive, the customizable shoes!
You can now create Customizable shoes (printing available on both sides), sell them worldwide and scale your conversion rate.
They are available in 16 different styles (unisex, women, kids… high top, low tops, skaters … premium-quality fabrics in suede, canvas, rubber toes...) and in both black and white (and a super-stylish model with yellow suede detailing).

We will guarantee an unparalleled selling and purchasing experience in terms of quality (each shoe is individually crafted for your buyers by our warehouses), comfort (we offer men, women, Unisex and kids sizes and widths to fit every feet) and simplicity (easy to customize on our Teezilab, easy to order, shipped worldwide within 2-4 weeks in shoe boxes).
We promise you a product that will definitely boost your profits, as you can clearly check by looking at the recommended price chart below for each style and in different currencies :

We invite you to test this new product, do not waste your time: be the first to launch a line of personalized shoes, your buyers are looking forward to find the perfect Christmas Gift.
Depending on how you want to customize your shoes, you can upload up to 4 designs.
We show you how to optimize the rendering of it.
We recommend you to use JPEG and JPG files.

It's time to be creative!
Warning, it is imperative that you create one campaign per shoe type.

Step 2 - Select the style you wish to customize
Step 3 - Choose the perfect design's resolution
Step 6 - Set up the selling price
You are now ready to launch your shoes' campaign.
Go to the Teezily Dashboard!
Shoes sizes may differ depending on the country. We then propose different size standards depending on your customer.

Finally, if in doubt, you clients will be able to find their shoe size by measuring their foot. This will limit size errors and returns.

At Teezily, we must always look ahead and come up with new features and product solutions, in order to ensure you the best selling experience and be an active part of the print-on-demand revolution!
You can now create Customizable shoes (printing available on both sides), sell them worldwide and scale your conversion rate.
They are available in 16 different styles (unisex, women, kids… high top, low tops, skaters … premium-quality fabrics in suede, canvas, rubber toes...) and in both black and white (and a super-stylish model with yellow suede detailing).

We will guarantee an unparalleled selling and purchasing experience in terms of quality (each shoe is individually crafted for your buyers by our warehouses), comfort (we offer men, women, Unisex and kids sizes and widths to fit every feet) and simplicity (easy to customize on our Teezilab, easy to order, shipped worldwide within 2-4 weeks in shoe boxes).
We promise you a product that will definitely boost your profits, as you can clearly check by looking at the recommended price chart below for each style and in different currencies :

We invite you to test this new product, do not waste your time: be the first to launch a line of personalized shoes, your buyers are looking forward to find the perfect Christmas Gift.
How to create your custom shoes designs
Depending on how you want to customize your shoes, you can upload up to 4 designs.
We show you how to optimize the rendering of it.
We recommend you to use JPEG and JPG files.

It's time to be creative!
Warning, it is imperative that you create one campaign per shoe type.
Step 1 - Choose the product

Step 2 - Select the style you wish to customize
Step 3 - Choose the perfect design's resolution
Step 4 - Upload your design(s)
Step 5 - Check the preview of your product
Step 6 - Set up the selling price
Step 7 - Write the Title and Description of your Campaign
Step 8 - Check how your campaign looks like
Step 9 - Check the color options
You are now ready to launch your shoes' campaign.
Go to the Teezily Dashboard!
Available Sizes for your custom shoes
Shoes sizes may differ depending on the country. We then propose different size standards depending on your customer.

Finally, if in doubt, you clients will be able to find their shoe size by measuring their foot. This will limit size errors and returns.

At Teezily, we must always look ahead and come up with new features and product solutions, in order to ensure you the best selling experience and be an active part of the print-on-demand revolution!