10 years ago | posted by Angelica Pratolini

Category: Resources

Tag: Campaign, Tips

Join our Universities Facebook groups!

As you know, our Teezily Team members come from all around the world and are ready to help you with your campaigns by giving you advice related to their own country, language and regional interests.

Our University Facebook groups (together with the email address [email protected]) is the main tool our marketers use when looking for help, to get in touch with the team country managers and read TZ tips and news. This is why we recommend you to join your country group and also the groups for the markets you are planning to target. Each group is supposed to be more specialized in each country specificities. So for example, if you want to launch campaigns in France, Germany and Italy, you should join the Teezily Université -FRANCE, Teezily Akademia -GERMANY- and L'Universitá di Teezily in addition to your own country's one.

Below you can find the links to all our groups.

We also have the general group, Teezily University -GLOBAL-, but this one is secret and you can only have access by invitation, so if you think you are ready to join it, do not hesitate to ask any of the country managers!

See you around!

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