20 QTW for Teezily: Divergent views by the culturally diverse people of Brazil

Our Cyril has spent a wonderful time travelling through the country of Samba and Bossa Nova, a country with rich cultural diversity: Brazil. During his stay there, he interviewed many local entrepreneurs to learn about the Brazilian perspective on business and life.
He asked the entrepreneurs about their dreams, their aspirations as a kid, their fears and much more. Most of the questions received divergent answers from the different respondents. For example for the question “With whom would you like to have a coffee?” one respondent indicated they would like to have a coffee with Donald Trump, whereas another said he would like to have a coffee with the Dalai Lama. When asked how they would spend 1 million dollars, the answers ranged from “It is too much”, “Save it in a bank” and “Buy musical instruments” to answers that served a societal purpose such as “Build schools in Africa” and “Open an ecologic reserve”. The answers show that Brazilians not only value all things cultural such as the traditional dances salsa and capoeira but also the cultural diversity evident in their population. Brazilians have concrete fears such as violence and death, but they also fear abstract things like loneliness, ego and ignorance. Among ambitions for opening new companies were animal care, a tourism company and another one that would employ handicapped youngsters.
Clearly, the cultural diversity of the people of Brazil is reflected in their differing views, ambitions and desires that become apparent in the answers to Cyril’s questions. Have a look at our infographic below to read all the questions and answers.

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