Country Tips : Targeting the Dutch E-Market
The Netherlands has always been one of our most active e-commerce markets.
The growth of online sales in this part of the world is continuously increasing with no signs of slowing down. A driving factor behind this trend is their unceasing demand for unique, personalised items that our Dutch friends are always on the lookout for . It is estimated that in 2017 alone, the net worth of the e-commerce in Netherlands is worth a total of 22.5 billion euros, a 13% increase within the span of one year. And this is just the tip of the iceberg! The number is set to only increase from here onwards.
Now that we’ve got the stats out of the way, it’s time for you to prepare your store/campaign targeting our Dutch friends, what with King’s Day just around the corner (27th April). And that means we will see a lot more of the colour ORANGE!
But first, let’s take a look together at some important tips that would help you in this process.

The growth of online sales in this part of the world is continuously increasing with no signs of slowing down. A driving factor behind this trend is their unceasing demand for unique, personalised items that our Dutch friends are always on the lookout for . It is estimated that in 2017 alone, the net worth of the e-commerce in Netherlands is worth a total of 22.5 billion euros, a 13% increase within the span of one year. And this is just the tip of the iceberg! The number is set to only increase from here onwards.
Now that we’ve got the stats out of the way, it’s time for you to prepare your store/campaign targeting our Dutch friends, what with King’s Day just around the corner (27th April). And that means we will see a lot more of the colour ORANGE!
But first, let’s take a look together at some important tips that would help you in this process.
- Dutch consumers are said to be somewhat price-sensitive. A small difference in prices may lead them to buy elsewhere. Make sure you are that ‘elsewhere’ by setting up special discounts for the King's Day on our tool "Promotions".
- It is absolutely important to specify that you offer iDEAL as a payment option as this is a very popular payment method in the Netherlands.
- While our Dutch friends favor a good deal, they favor good-quality products even more. This means that they are willing to splurge provided that the product quality meets the price tag. We strongly suggest you to include organic & premium products in your store/campaigns !