10 years ago | posted by Angelica Pratolini

Category: Headlines, Resources

Tag: Campaign, Tips

Calendar for the ziler (August): celebrations for inspiration

Do you want to know about International days, National days, celebrations, festivals… all around Europe?

 Below you can find a list of the most important dates of August upcoming celebrations in European Countries. We hope you will find it useful and a source of inspiration for your next Teezily campaigns!

REMEMBER! We recommend you to launch your campaigns at least one month (considering your campaign will last 10 days or less) before the event in order to make sure your customers receive their products on time!

 Due to copyright regulations in Europe, we strongly recommend you not to use any of registered trademarks, logos, slogans, official images, as well as people's names and images in your designs!


Gay Pride Hamburg (CSD)gay hands

Where: Hamburg, Germany

When: 31/7 – 2/8

In Germany celebrated as Christopher Street Day (CSD) in memory of the gay uprising in New York's Christopher Street in June 1969. Street festival from 31 July till 2 August and parade on Saturday, 1 August.

La notte della TarantaNotte-della-Taranta-logo-600x532

When: 4/8 – 12/8

Where: Italy

The festival all started from the legend about how you can survive from the bite of tarantula. The answer is a crazy dance and that is how the traditional dance of Salento – the ‘pizzica’ – was born and La Notte della Taranta (the night of the tarantula) is the ultimate celebration of it. The La Notte della Taranta festival is held in the small town of Melpignano in Italy’s Puglia region – ‘the heel of the boot’. The population of this small quaint town is normally about 1000 people but for the main night of the festival it swells to more than 100,000!

Hiroshima DayUntitled.png xirosima

When: 6th of August

Where: Worldwide

On August 6, 1945 the US dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan, and three days later another one on Nagasaki. More than 100,000 people, mostly civilians, were killed instantly and for years afterwards, from horrible burns and radiation sickness. Fortunately, nuclear weapons have not been used again on civilians, but they continue to remain a constant threat.

Fantastic 4 and Shaun the Sheep premieres

Where: EuropeFantastic_Four_2015_posterpages__shaunthesheepthemovie-logo

When: 7th of August

Two fantastic movies in one day!

Start of English Premier League, France Ligue 1

Where: UK, FranceimagesLogo_de_la_Ligue_1_(2008)

When: 8th of August

Football lovers now, is your time!

International Day of the World's Indigenous People

Where: Worldwideindigenous

When: 9th of August

International Day of the World's Indigenous People is observed on August 9 each year to promote and protect the rights of the world’s indigenous population. This event also recognizes the achievements and contributions that indigenous people make to improve world issues such as environmental protection.

International youth dayyouth

Where: 12th of August

When: Worldwide

International Youth Day (IYD) is an awareness day designated by the United Nations. The purpose of the day is to draw attention to a given set of cultural and legal issues surrounding youth.


Where: Gothenburg, Swedenway_out_west-300x127

When: 13th of August

Way Out West is a three-day music festival held in Gothenburg, Sweden, during August that plays host to a variety of popular music artists mainly from the rock, electronic and hip-hop genres.

Start of Bundesliga Unknown

Where: Germany

When: 14th of August

International day of homeless animalshomeless animal

Where: 15th of August

When: Worldwide

Every day, animals are abandoned or placed into kennels, dependent on charities and goodwill. These organizations are strained beyond coping, and are desperate to raise awareness of the plight of homeless and abandoned animals. Homeless Animals Day aims to educate people about pet abandonment, feral animals and benefits or neutering domestic animals.

Copenhagen Gay Prideimages 1

Where: Denmark

When: 15th of August

Everyone has right to love!

Prague Gay Pride

Where: Budapest, Praguepraga

When: 16th of August

Love wins no matter what!

Hitman: Agent 47Hitman_Agent_47_poster

Where: Europe

When: 21st of August

An upcoming action thriller film!

Notting Hill Carnivalnotting hill

Where: UK

When: 29th of August

The streets of West London come alive every August Bank Holiday weekend as London celebrates Europe's biggest street festival – the Notting Hill Carnival.With a Caribbean theme that sees West London packed with steel bands, Calypso music and tempting food stalls, the Notting Hill Carnival is a huge party. And everyone is invited to this Caribbean festival!

Rugby League - Challenge Cup Finalrugby-world-cup-2015-logo

Where: Wembley, UK

When: 29th of August

The Challenge Cup is Rugby League's most historic and prestigious competition and is the only knock-out tournament of its kind to include teams from all levels of the sport. Local community teams, student and the armed forces all compete alongside the elite of Super League.

Manchester Gay PrideUnknown 1

Where: Manchester, UK

When: 30th of August

Year after year, Manchester Pride splashes the city with an amazing spectrum of color, music and most of LOVE!

World rowing championship – France53696_10152072897371852_240582844156741701_o

Where: France

When: 30th of August

It takes every part of your body to row well. You use your arms, legs, and core to strengthen the drive. Your ears allow the motivational words to flow through your body to keep it moving. Your heart pumps your aching body with blood. Your lungs force air into your gasping mouth. Your brain’s there to block out the pain!

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