Black Friday & Cyber Monday – Tips to maximise your sales
Black Friday and Cyber Monday go together like turkey and gravy! These two retail events, which are linked to the Thanksgiving celebrations in the U.S., not only kick off the Holiday shopping season with 30 percent of annual retail sales occurring between Black Friday and Christmas, according to the Balance, but also have been progressively linked to e-commerce in recent years.
The answer as to why online shopping has been playing a more important role is simple: people prefer the comfort of their homes in company of their laptop to queuing up in front of the shops during the night before the shop doors open and the craze begins, especially on Black Friday. This trend has also led to a different phenomenon as e-commerce platforms such as Amazon or Asos started their Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales as early as Thanksgiving Eve to bank on people wanting the best deals before everyone else.

Let’s talk numbers!
In 2016, both Black Friday and Cyber Monday broke the record number for sales in the U.S. compared to recent years. According to the American National Retail Federation a total of 154 million consumers spending on average $290 per person shopped on Black Friday in 2016. The online spending during the five-day period from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday reached its’ record high of $12.8 billion. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are clearly great opportunities for you to cash in on the pre-holiday shopping game. Keep on reading for 5 tips how to maximise your sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday and a detailed recap of the ins and outs of these two important retail events.
Make sure to communicate the sales period clearly: At what time does the sale open? When does it close? What are the specifics? Post the information on your social media channels starting as soon as possible. It is important to repeat the information to make sure your customers know exactly what your offer is about.
In addition, do not forget to update your landing pages as early as possible to make your products and offers look as appealing as possible and to get a higher SEO ranking. Promoting your campaign to international markets but not sure how to translate your slogans? The following link provides useful promotional sentences in different languages.
In comparison to recent years the current trend is to start your Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales extravaganza earlier. Deals tend to start on Thanksgiving evening and go on until Cyber Monday evening. To still create special incentives to buy, it is important to create momentum with special, additional deals on the actual Black Friday and throughout the weekend and to finish it off with final Cyber Monday offers that nobody can resist.
Come Monday you still should change up your strategy as most people go back to work after their lovely weekend. According to The Balance 75 percent of shoppers immediately dive into the sales first thing Monday morning. 25 percent shop during lunch (between 12 and 2 PM) and approximately 34 percent shop in the evening. You should think about your customer base and who you want to target. The most important objective is to offer deals which no customer can resist.
You should use different types of promotions to give a boost to your campaigns, depending on the product, and the customers. Here are some of the Teezily features you should definitely use for the Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Compare at price are much used during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday. That's very easy to setup on your Dashboard:
Edit your Campaign > Go to the Add/ Edit Product section > Put a Selling price (discounted price ) and a Compare at price (Initial product price )

Teezily offers its sellers three kinds of discounts on a campaign: free shipping, percentage and monetary discount.
It takes you only 3 simple steps to add a discount to your campaigns:

To make the most our of your promotion tools, keep this in mind :
As we explained already in our infographic you as a seller are able to provide your customers with 3 kinds of discounts from the Teezily website. This comes in handy with the craze that is created around Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Several studies on consumer behaviour show that ‘free shipping’ seems to have the greatest pull for customers. Especially on Black Friday and Cyber Monday the possibility to score a great deal with a discount of 30
% off with additional free shipping can catapult your sales up to Thanksgiving cloud nine.
We can all agree that Black Friday and Cyber Monday play a very important role throughout the American and European markets. What you as a seller have to keep in mind, is that there are still differences between the markets. Nowadays Black Friday and Cyber Monday are part of US culture and the Thanksgiving celebrations and have been for decades. In Europe on the other hand, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are fairly new concepts which have been introduced in recent years but still promise to be established further in the future. When targeting the European market it is important to look at each country on its own, to consider particularities and to change your strategy accordingly.
Even though Black Friday and Cyber Monday will remain to be the key growth drivers of holiday spending in Europe, here are the biggest days for online shopping in Europe according to countries sourced by Adobe Digital Insights:

So brace yourselves, follow our tips and crush this sales period before the Holiday sales!

The answer as to why online shopping has been playing a more important role is simple: people prefer the comfort of their homes in company of their laptop to queuing up in front of the shops during the night before the shop doors open and the craze begins, especially on Black Friday. This trend has also led to a different phenomenon as e-commerce platforms such as Amazon or Asos started their Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales as early as Thanksgiving Eve to bank on people wanting the best deals before everyone else.
Black Friday & Cyber Monday are coming! But when?

Let’s talk numbers!
In 2016, both Black Friday and Cyber Monday broke the record number for sales in the U.S. compared to recent years. According to the American National Retail Federation a total of 154 million consumers spending on average $290 per person shopped on Black Friday in 2016. The online spending during the five-day period from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday reached its’ record high of $12.8 billion. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are clearly great opportunities for you to cash in on the pre-holiday shopping game. Keep on reading for 5 tips how to maximise your sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday and a detailed recap of the ins and outs of these two important retail events.
5 Tips to Conquer the Ultimate Shopping Craze
Communicate on this sales period
Make sure to communicate the sales period clearly: At what time does the sale open? When does it close? What are the specifics? Post the information on your social media channels starting as soon as possible. It is important to repeat the information to make sure your customers know exactly what your offer is about.
In addition, do not forget to update your landing pages as early as possible to make your products and offers look as appealing as possible and to get a higher SEO ranking. Promoting your campaign to international markets but not sure how to translate your slogans? The following link provides useful promotional sentences in different languages.
Best purchasing hours - Tik tok, the Black Friday clock is ticking
In comparison to recent years the current trend is to start your Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales extravaganza earlier. Deals tend to start on Thanksgiving evening and go on until Cyber Monday evening. To still create special incentives to buy, it is important to create momentum with special, additional deals on the actual Black Friday and throughout the weekend and to finish it off with final Cyber Monday offers that nobody can resist.
Come Monday you still should change up your strategy as most people go back to work after their lovely weekend. According to The Balance 75 percent of shoppers immediately dive into the sales first thing Monday morning. 25 percent shop during lunch (between 12 and 2 PM) and approximately 34 percent shop in the evening. You should think about your customer base and who you want to target. The most important objective is to offer deals which no customer can resist.
Setup Compare at Price and Promotions on your Teezily Dashboard
You should use different types of promotions to give a boost to your campaigns, depending on the product, and the customers. Here are some of the Teezily features you should definitely use for the Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Setup a Compare at Price
Compare at price are much used during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday. That's very easy to setup on your Dashboard:
Edit your Campaign > Go to the Add/ Edit Product section > Put a Selling price (discounted price ) and a Compare at price (Initial product price )

Shedule a Promotion on the Dashboard
Teezily offers its sellers three kinds of discounts on a campaign: free shipping, percentage and monetary discount.
It takes you only 3 simple steps to add a discount to your campaigns:

To make the most our of your promotion tools, keep this in mind :
- - Reward former clients by offering them a special discount for a new campaign related to their interests.
- - Be smart and use the ‘Message Buyers’ tool to communicate with your customers.
- - Discounts are great for retargeting ads! Are people who engaged with your ad but did not buy? Retarget them with a discount and ‘recover’ the sale.
Which discounts are appreciated most among customers?
As we explained already in our infographic you as a seller are able to provide your customers with 3 kinds of discounts from the Teezily website. This comes in handy with the craze that is created around Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Several studies on consumer behaviour show that ‘free shipping’ seems to have the greatest pull for customers. Especially on Black Friday and Cyber Monday the possibility to score a great deal with a discount of 30
% off with additional free shipping can catapult your sales up to Thanksgiving cloud nine.
Make a difference - US vs. European market
We can all agree that Black Friday and Cyber Monday play a very important role throughout the American and European markets. What you as a seller have to keep in mind, is that there are still differences between the markets. Nowadays Black Friday and Cyber Monday are part of US culture and the Thanksgiving celebrations and have been for decades. In Europe on the other hand, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are fairly new concepts which have been introduced in recent years but still promise to be established further in the future. When targeting the European market it is important to look at each country on its own, to consider particularities and to change your strategy accordingly.
Even though Black Friday and Cyber Monday will remain to be the key growth drivers of holiday spending in Europe, here are the biggest days for online shopping in Europe according to countries sourced by Adobe Digital Insights:

So brace yourselves, follow our tips and crush this sales period before the Holiday sales!