7 years ago | posted by Angelica Pratolini

Category: Headlines, Resources

Tag: Country, Story, Tips

20 QTW for Teezily: Between coffee, kindness and business spirit in Colombia

This time around Cyril stepped in the footsteps of Christopher Columbus and his path lead him straight to the beautiful country of Colombia. You might immediately think of guerilla war and scary Pablo Escobar but behind this image hides a country with a rich cultural heritage, great coffee and marvellous cities such as Bogotá and Cartagena. Our Cyril not only got to experience this amazing country through his own eyes but also through the views and opinions of locals who he interviewed to learn about the Colombian perspective on business and life.

PicMonkey CollageThe answers to the question ‘Which of your country’s cultural specificity are you most proud of?’ mirrors the love and pride Colombians have for their country and culture. Colombian coffee, kindness and music ranked high with the respondents but also entrepreneurship spirit was mentioned. This leads us to the question ‘If you had to create a company, what would it be?’ where the respondents answered that they would like to create companies in the field of recycling, fair trade or to create social impact. The responses paint a picture of a country that does not let its’ past determine its’ future and which is build on the foundations of friendship and family and the curiosity to meet and experience people from all over the world. Seems like Cyril landed in the right place!

Are you interested in finding out more about the Colombian views? Have a look at our infographic below to read all the questions and answers.



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